Rocks, Water, Air

This project was done with the goal of elevating and transforming something ordinary into something exceptional. My inspiration came from the lake that i grew up beside; the rocks used in the project have a naturally-formed hole in middle and they all come from this beach. I sewed the rocks onto a small fabric background and quilted shapes around it mimicking the aesthetic of sun, sky, clouds, sand and water.In the way the project is displayed, with the squares organized by colour, the project overall mimics the aesthetic of the beach landscape with the sun at the top, water and sky in the middle, sand at the bottom.

Diseño de Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/97aitgbs05oabqux42hy511uf9o52473
Diseño de Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/zsp2rsy63kpc2axhnurc3qeyal04hxss
Diseño de Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/97aitgbs05oabqux42hy511uf9o52473
Diseño de Moda/LaSalle College | Montréal/zsp2rsy63kpc2axhnurc3qeyal04hxss