Wish Cards

MANDATE / CONCEPT AND ILLUSTRATIONS MADE IN ILLUSTRATOR. A set of three cards for any occasion. In these illustrations I have depicted 3 zodiac signs of the element of water. Creating them memorable in the form of crystals was my main idea.

Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/qghp7opdiv75wp1qdo53kongf7yh8hn2
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/ysak7fauxv7uw93d54uwhinkqhgqen4m
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/vuudlv6icbsfb2go5krwseshx87bx81n
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/qghp7opdiv75wp1qdo53kongf7yh8hn2
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/ysak7fauxv7uw93d54uwhinkqhgqen4m
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/vuudlv6icbsfb2go5krwseshx87bx81n