Various Mediums

(2013) Ink on paper. Once a phobia always a phobia; an arachnophobic, such as I, cannot ignore the fair details of the fine lines traced on a spider. This only induces more of an emotional impact on the viewer affected.

(2013) Pen, Ink, and

Mischievous character

(2013) Pen, Ink, and marker representation of a mischievous character.

(2013) Charcoal on b

Art of Depression.

(2013) Charcoal on bristole paper. I tried to represent the state of being emotionally distressed using the least amount of elements possible. Although the face of the character is not shown, it is indeed possible to relate or even to empathize with him.

(2013) Pen and Ink r


(2013) Pen and Ink representation of a personal fear. I was seeking to evoke upon the viewer the same cringing feeling I receive when I am faced in front of a spider.

(2013) Pen, Ink, and
(2013) Charcoal on b
(2013) Pen and Ink r