Expo 2018

The concept of this project was to create triptik posters for the 2018 Inter-Dec College Vernissage for Graphic Design, Photography, and Video Games. The style that I used is a sliced effect for each student. I decided to use this effect because it represents that during our studies we open our minds and are constantly learning new things.

Design graphique/Collège Inter-Dec | Montréal/vh85v6ywjxspki9i7rork9g9uipup1q0
Design graphique/Collège Inter-Dec | Montréal/cr2qt9hzsajhxoybljpvyiucjeas0i45
Design graphique/Collège Inter-Dec | Montréal/0zonwqdppyaipy5fy74jzcgbnm6wd4v7
Design graphique/Collège Inter-Dec | Montréal/vh85v6ywjxspki9i7rork9g9uipup1q0
Design graphique/Collège Inter-Dec | Montréal/cr2qt9hzsajhxoybljpvyiucjeas0i45
Design graphique/Collège Inter-Dec | Montréal/0zonwqdppyaipy5fy74jzcgbnm6wd4v7