Always Team Captain

First year, I worked with different classmates and after some observation, I decided who I can work with. By the second year, I decided to form my own group going forward. I asked Laura, Francisco, and Damien for whatever classes we have together, we will be in group together and they accepted. For projects, I was and always am the team leader. I learn to be decisive and manage time appropriately when I assign assignments and deadlines. I learn to be open-minded to my teammates ideas and incorporate it into the project. Most importantly, I learn to delegate task to teammates and trust they'll be able to do the task according to my directives. For instance, when it comes to media, I usually do it myself. For the "A Kiss of Spring," I allowed my colleague to create the commercial clip for the project and the end result was great.

My group and I at th

Finishing Touch of Project

My group and I at the library cutting out butterflies for our presentation.

Presentation of our

Huge Success

Presentation of our project at Salle Jean Morin.

My group and I at th
Presentation of our

Other Credits

Laura Patricia Salazar Suero, Francisco Fernando Sulbaran Sanchez, Junghoon Lee