The Star's Vision

Stars as a symbol of hope We never really know what's going to come if we stop here now, do we? Esye Fabrc Pattern Design Competition 2020 @esye_official (IG) @stevandaz (IG)

The Star's Vision_Storyteller

Esye Fabric Pattern Competition I don't know much about how to gain hope in any ways possible. many people fell down so easily and many just happens to have a very strong mind to keep themselves going. In my experience, however, I tend to try and think of the positive side and do whatever it takes for me to be able to get to the finish line. Because if I stopped on my tracks, I may never really know what the future holds. From that little hope alone, and the constant reassurance from the people around m, it was enough to push me forward and shy away my insecurities which is myself. Stars reminded me of the littlest hope left within. And with it, I hope the message comes through to you who sees this.

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