Advertising - Episode 1. Cooking Show with É

A group project of Advertising Class with Sir Dino Augusto as the lecturer. The Project by Marianje Lium and Angela.

Stigma is the pressu

About the Campaign :

Stigma is the pressure everyone has faced in this society. Society likes to judge and categorize things, even the small things like colors, accessories and clothes. Colors, accessories and clothes are for everybody and should not be categorized. Everybody deserves freedom in how to express themselves. People shouldn't be judged by its cover because what is seen may not be what it looks like. Just because men wear pink doesn't make him less manly, just because women are rebellious doesn’t make her less feminine. We try to express this matter through the cooking and cleaning that is often identical with gender roles. #ÉShowWithÉ​.

To watch click the link below :

Stigma is the pressu

Other Credits

Directed by Marianje Lium (@marianjee_)
Angelita Canthika (@angelitacanthika)
Videographer by Delvinyau @delvinyau
Narrated by Evielin Halim (@evielinhalim)
Starred by Evielin Halim (@evielinhalim)
Morgan Bustam (@morganbustam)
Makeup by Wulan Oktaviani (@wulaann21)
Music by DJ Quads - Funtime
Location at Luneterra Studio (@luneterra)