Dance History

This project aimed to put into practice the theories of graphic design, by creating a fanzine about a topic of our choice. My fanzine is for dancers and people in general who are interested in knowing more about the world of dance. In theory, this particular fanzine is the first volume of a series, exploring the different types of dances that exist. In this volume, the fanzine dives into the evolution of dance throughout the years, talking particularly about ballet, jazz and contemporary dance. It also talks about the most influential dancers of all time. The magazine is all black and white to give emphasis to the movement dancing embodies. Much like dancing, design has to deal with balance and harmony in order to create a visually pleasing proposal.

Fashion Design/LCI Barcelona/aadohmgmz9ygr6v5tcw46gufn72xbsjk
Fashion Design/LCI Barcelona/g5p34gsc6ebu1wjj2vhv2an22hrt2md6
Fashion Design/LCI Barcelona/tkp9drvtdscnzc4s3trdgwqzvzrlka67
Fashion Design/LCI Barcelona/aadohmgmz9ygr6v5tcw46gufn72xbsjk
Fashion Design/LCI Barcelona/g5p34gsc6ebu1wjj2vhv2an22hrt2md6
Fashion Design/LCI Barcelona/tkp9drvtdscnzc4s3trdgwqzvzrlka67