Qi Wang

Qi Wang

Interior Design & Architecture
LaSalle College Vancouver

Little Forest

Traditional offices are disappearing because of changing social backgrounds and technology that has enabled more and more people to telecommute. Millennials are entering the workplace, growing up surrounded by technology, and relying on it to get their jobs done. The new office needs to be more attractive, attracting employees to the office to interact with colleagues. In the past, due to unreasonable space planning, fixed workstations of traditional office staff need to be improved, lack of green plants, and other reasons, employees’ happiness and creativity in the workplace are reduced and space is wasted. Therefore, it becomes very important and urgent to redesign the new office space. The purpose of the new office environment is to make every effort to improve employee satisfaction, develop interpersonal relationships, and encourage employees to return to the office through flexible work. Strive to design a healthy workplace to help employees relieve psychological pressure and improve their health, concentration, productivity and enthusiasm.

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Interior Design & Architecture/LaSalle College Vancouver/w9zsxf1f91bokts21a2rlfehkzm0obem
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