Advertising group project ( brand : Mutu Mutu )

Hello! I’m Rebecca Seraphine (201830157) from Fashion Business Lasalle Jakarta. Winter 2021. In this advertising project I really enjoy doing it and our lecturer Jordan Marzuki. He guides us so that we can understand all what is being taught and do it well. Thankyou sir Jordan !!

Advertising group project ( brand : Mutu Mutu )

Mutu Mutu is a local Indonesia Upcycling brand creating bags and it’s accessories. Their name derives from their motto which is “making it #berMutulagi”. berMutu itself means high quality, so their motto is making it high quality again. They focus on dead stock fabrics and creates them into something that is high quality again with eye catching designs and useful products for their customers. Instagram : Stylist : Sean Geraldo Videographer : Abraham Galih Hands : Rebecca Seraphine & Tiffany Alberta Witono Our Teams : Rebecca Seraphine Maria Cintya Tiffany Alberta Witono Nisrina Syifa Salsabila

Other Credits

Stylist : Sean Geraldo
Videographer : Abraham Galih