Sport Cards

Software used: Illustrator On this project I used a technique were I first draw on my sketchbook, scan it and then trace it on Illustrator. The idea was to represent each city by its most representative sport, showing the players in the most active and crucial moment.

Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/2dikp57bu7r6wnfzyv68bt6l4jawtscp
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/b8he4zerwvu9k1vqlk56yc54v21mn2ep
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/aj2ugi9g0vfvjatyncc3t9ka2pt9wlhb
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/2dikp57bu7r6wnfzyv68bt6l4jawtscp
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/b8he4zerwvu9k1vqlk56yc54v21mn2ep
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/aj2ugi9g0vfvjatyncc3t9ka2pt9wlhb