Poster Designs

This Poster Set project shows projects that included typesetting, typography, Photoshop, and layout design. Each poster was design to fit the location of the event it was in. The first poster advertises a typography event that is happening on the Hawaiian Islands. Research was done on the island the event is happening on and the poster was design around the theme of a Luau. The second poster in the set is meant to advertise the recent Planet of the Apes movie in the style of Bauhaus. The thick font of the planet of the apes with the alignment of the angle type helps the poster stay true to the style. The last poster is meant as a art print in someones home. The theme of the project was the coming of spring. Using Photoshop, a fox was taken and put into a different spring type environment. Using different lighting angles and shades helps the poster stand out of its background.

Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/rgh3w2n5zbpqn6quosvt29ngc84mc8pa
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/nhboqk8k6u7fdk5uczwlxotkgqubolpb
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/esbymo3s8yb1253tmkjwl6la2lgtd29o
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/rgh3w2n5zbpqn6quosvt29ngc84mc8pa
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/nhboqk8k6u7fdk5uczwlxotkgqubolpb
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/esbymo3s8yb1253tmkjwl6la2lgtd29o