  • Antoine Nikoladis

    Antoine Nikoladis

    Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda
    LaSalle College | Montréal
  • Christina Markessinis

    Christina Markessinis

    Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda
    LaSalle College | Montréal
  • Marina Michetti

    Marina Michetti

    Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda
    LaSalle College | Montréal
  • John Dagsaan

    John Dagsaan

    Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda
    LaSalle College | Montréal

Concious Uniform & Co.

LaSalle College students had to create a full year-round project, as the create an enterprise and build it from scratch. Conscious Uniform & Co. is an environmentally friendly uniform company for schools who are focused our planet a healthier and cleaner place one step at the time within the fashion industry.

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