Sea Dish

Sea Dish is an ingredients cookbook that targets people who have a preference for seafood and wish to learn steps to making certain meals. The process revolved around using pop of colours and making a collaboration between photography and illustration, in which was to make a unique form of visual communication through layout.

Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/y65qha7tt5jjs7txnm37thkh0k57iz7w
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/q6vs8xmui04c77ucy7kjpazxzknlgyd7
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/ff0sde9etbs12tp79ep72s16oktv3901
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/ks6mktrm2umgnevf139fxmeinkxsuwy8
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/y65qha7tt5jjs7txnm37thkh0k57iz7w
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/q6vs8xmui04c77ucy7kjpazxzknlgyd7
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/ff0sde9etbs12tp79ep72s16oktv3901
Diseño Gráfico/Inter-Dec College | Montréal/ks6mktrm2umgnevf139fxmeinkxsuwy8