Digital Illustration Course_Tarot Cards Project

This Digital Illustration project had me create via Adobe Illustrator my own Tarot cards, namely 8 cards that the instructor selected from the Major Arcana. The Major Arcana are 22 Tarot cards which represent life situations we all face, while providing us messages of guidance and perspective when needed. Furthermore, I had to make my own original characters.

My Tarot Cards

The meanings of each of these Tarot cards: 1) The Devil = feeling powerless and restrained 2) The Emperor = powerful leadership 3) The Lovers = the closest relationships in your life 4) The Chariot = one's natural drive and determination 5) The Hermit = a knowledgeable figure yearning to be alone; the light sources (in this case being the moon and stars) symbolize knowledge 6) The Empress = the most feminine Tarot card that showcases compassion and beauty 7) The World = feelings of completion and fulfillment 8) The Fool = an entertainer who is yet to experience what there is in life 9) The back of the cards

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