Digital Visual Composition Course_Elephant Waterfall Rules of Third

For this assignment I did for my Digital Visual Composition course, I had to create a composition via Adobe Photoshop that is based on any aspect of the rules of thirds (which are guidelines that help with the process of visual image compositions). Additionally, I had to structure the image in a balanced manner, with leading lines helping to guide the viewer’s eyes to one focal object. With this kept in mind, I decided to create a scene displaying a mouse stands on a large rock, as well as a soaring pair of parrots, staring at an enormous African elephant in awe on a hot, sunny day in front of a majestic waterfall.

Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College | Jakarta/8xbgiwcjed2dnpwnpnrvtumvyw5h2rc4
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College | Jakarta/8xbgiwcjed2dnpwnpnrvtumvyw5h2rc4