women, feminism & design // editorial & print design

Women, feminism & design is a book written and designed in order to raise knowledge and awareness of some of the greatest female graphic designers. Most designers we learn about in school are male, making it seem like female designers are not as present, influencing in the gender inequality within the industry. The book introduces 28 designers from different periods and graphic design fields. The project was created with a series of layout explorations that could fit all the different designers’ styles and eras while maintaining a sense of visual continuance.

Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/vxbjwhb2fdwzwhlif16iz726azdpkjio
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Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/vxbjwhb2fdwzwhlif16iz726azdpkjio
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/88yihwez0l3jyfg80cjow3y5d1yhs678
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/4cqn7bsyob9aimhk4v0u5kpkc7q5fkvr
Diseño Gráfico/LaSalle College Vancouver/6wf01c9k960gqczt0yqa9ec6x23z7i0i