WallG Engine

WallG Engine is a 3D game engine that I built using DirectX 11 and C++ 19. It was an important learning experience over several semesters at LaSalle College Vancouver. In each course, I completed the construction of a low-level game engine system. The graphics system uses DirectX 11 and custom HLSL shaders to render models with animations. These are imported with a self-built tool using assimp 5.0. This tool reads .fbx files and extracts all of the meshes, animations, and material textures, and converts them into a format that's used within the WallG Engine. The WallG Engine uses an object component system similar to Unity as the basis for creating projects and experiments, such as my Dynamic Universe project. In the future, I plan to add more features, such as a physics system.

Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/Animation


Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/KMeans


Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/Post Processing

Post Processing

Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/Animation
Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/KMeans
Diseño de Videojuegos/LaSalle College Vancouver/Post Processing