Melissa Glenane

Melissa Glenane

Marketing, publicité et affaires électroniques
Collège LaSalle | Montréal

Olivie: Graphic Standards Manual

Olivie, an olive oil company originating from Spain, started as a simple idea from the founder Sofia Marquez. Ms Marquez wanted to bring the exquiste taste of her home grown olive oil to her new home, Québec city. Ms. Marquez had a mission to import more than just the fine taste of olive oil, she wanted to introduce the culture and finesse of the high quality, slowly pressed, fresh olive oil. As she experimented with exotic olives from around the world, she decided it would be beneficial for her company to extend her imported olives from Spain to Greece and eventually Argentina. Olivie offers an array of olive oils from different origins that have specific tastes that will entice those who appreciate the taste of organic, slowly pressed olive oil.

Olivie: Graphic Standards Manual

The mandate was to create a logo for a passionate olive oil distributor from Spain to Quebec city. This document defines the parameters of the logo and all other elements that compose it.

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