  • Shoya Nishi

    Shoya Nishi

    Commercialisation de la mode
    Collège LaSalle | Montréal
  • Angela Samel

    Angela Samel

    Commercialisation de la mode
    Collège LaSalle | Montréal

Soirée Mode Collège LaSalle (SMCL)

SMCL is an annual fashion show which takes place at LaSalle College. The show was in November, 2017. We were divided into four different concept and I was in charge of communication under one of the team called Spark. My accomplishments in this role was to get sponsors for us to get sufficient funds, to organize the contact list, to follow up with V.I.P attendees and hospitalize them when they showed up in the event.


From the darkness of space, we grab the Spark of the stars to illuminate our way. Come join us during this dark time as we embark on a journey to find the spark of light, through clothes and music that is rich in atmosphere.

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Zachary Mitchell