Huong Nguyen

Huong Nguyen

Commercialisation de la mode
Collège LaSalle | Montréal

SMCL - Soirée Mode College LaSalle 2018

A fashion show event organized by the second year of Fashion Marketing students at LaSalle College. I was in the Audio and Visual team to create the visuals and audio for the event. The fashion show was supervised and under the direction of Andrew McNally. Event: November 10, 2018

Commercialisation de la mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/SMCL BTS


This was the Audio a

SMCL Mood board

This was the Audio and Visual team's mood board for the SMCL show. Our ideas was inspired by neon lights, Tokyo night life (think of Fast and Furious's Tokyo Drift) etc. The name of our concept was Vaporwave.

Commercialisation de la mode/Collège LaSalle | Montréal/SMCL BTS
This was the Audio a