Laura Mir

Laura Mir

Design de mode
LCI Barcelona

Remember Collection

LM is a non-gender fashion brand. Comfortable, current and daring clothing brand. It is born from the interest of the expression of the body itself. Laura Mir is the designer, his personal story is one of the most important inspirations in his designs; from a very young age he had problems with his spine, for several years she had to use an orthopedic corset for her improvement. As a consequence of this experience, he has carried out in recent years various artistic practices in which your body is part of them; objects and new materials are in contact with your skin, These new sensory experiences are increasingly connected to clothing. The dedication to objects and things placed on the body has been a constant work, both in materials and in new objects created by her called "prostheses" or "protections". REMENBER COLLECTION is this biographical process of the designer and transports it in her customs. His conceptual style starts from all these bodily connotations and leads them to a design with a minimalist aesthetic; basic garments accompanied by elements: corsetry, ties, gathers, belts and more that put the dressed body to the test. Laura Mir talks about sensations, experiences and feelings; the message you want to convey to your audience is these emotions. "At LM we work to connect with a broad and local audience. It is aimed at a target with artistic sensibility, who knows both the exterior and the interior of his person, detail with the good ones we finish and he likes to wear timeless garments in favor of slow fashion". "LM is a brand made by hand, in small quantities, made in our workshop that are part of a limited production. Define a zero-stock store, since we make the garments when your order arrives. In this way, we generate the minimum possible waste. We do a close trade and a sustainable manufacturing process."

Autres crédits

Footografía @abel_bueno
Make-up and hair
Model @kindaisy
Designer and art director @lauramir_design