Birth of a Hero

Birth of a Hero is a 2D game that I made on a custom C++ game engine when I first started programming. The map of the game was made by a tile map editor that was made on the same engine.

The game has 2 diffe

Mob Enemies

The game has 2 different enemies and a boss. The melee enemy will wander around randomly until it spots the player and chase him. The range enemy has a bigger search area then its attack range so if it spots the player, it will move closer till the player is in attack range and attack. All the mob enemies were spawned in a wave spawner so the next wave will spawn once all the enemies from the previous wave were defeated. After defeating a certain amount of spawn, the boss will spawn.

The boss has 3 diffe


The boss has 3 different attack, with different chances of being used, and will randomly use one each time. The boss normal attack is a single fireball attack, then the more frequent attack is a slash attack that has different speed, hit box and damage, and the rarest move is an AOE attack that the boss will shoots eight fireballs at different directions from it.

The game has 2 diffe
The boss has 3 diffe