David Tello Benites

David Tello Benites

Arts and Literature

LaSalle College | Montréal


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Animation & VFX, Arts and Literature, Culinary & Food Service Management, Design Arts, Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Film & Audio, Game Design, Graphic Design, Hotel Management, Languages, Photography, Social Sciences, Tourism


David Tello Benites is a Canadian writer, actor, director, producer, and graphic designer who is currently working on his sci-fi tech thriller Stratagem File 1. He is interested in continuing to pursue media and filmmaking in the future at Concordia University.

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Stratagem File1. Short Film | Official Preview | Processing The Process Vitaminart Event 2022

by David Tello Benites
Arts and Literature
LaSalle College | Montréal
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The Flee of The Collector Documentary Short Film

by David Tello Benites
Arts and Literature
LaSalle College | Montréal
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Alternative Comet's Workship Poster 2021

by David Tello Benites
Arts and Literature
LaSalle College | Montréal
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Fan-Fiction Why is it such a guilty pleasure

by David Tello Benites
Arts and Literature
LaSalle College | Montréal
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Students with Mental Health

by David Tello Benites
Arts and Literature
LaSalle College | Montréal
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