Elizabeth Simard

Elizabeth Simard

Artes y Letras

LaSalle College | Montréal


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Arte y Diseño, Artes y Letras, Diseño de Moda, Diseño de Producto, Diseño Gráfico, Diseño Web, Fotografía, Idiomas, Marketing y Comunicación de la Moda, Marketing, Publicidad y Comercio Electrónico, Planificación de Eventos, Producción audiovisual


Hi! I am a communication and media graduated student from LaSalle College. I have a strong interest in graphic design, web design, fashion, photography and film editing. I am also mastering Photoshop, InDesign, Adobe Premiere, and Final Cut Pro. I am always ready to learn new techniques and skills when it comes to graphic design. My main goal would be to work for a fashion magazine company in the future but for now, I am open to any company that finds my works inspiring and creative!

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"The 7 Medley Scenes" Videos

de Elizabeth Simard
Artes y Letras
LaSalle College | Montréal
Artes y Letras/LaSalle College | Montréal/Thumbnail-lol2.jpg

"The 7 Medley Scenes" Posters

Artes y Letras/LaSalle College | Montréal/Thumbnail-Untitled-5.1.jpg

"Intention" Posters

de Elizabeth Simard
Artes y Letras
LaSalle College | Montréal
Artes y Letras/LaSalle College | Montréal/Thumbnail-Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 12.17.12 PM.png

"Fasianista" Fashion Blog

de Elizabeth Simard
Artes y Letras
LaSalle College | Montréal
Artes y Letras/LaSalle College | Montréal/Thumbnail-Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 12.23.21 PM.png

Inspiration Boards

de Elizabeth Simard
Artes y Letras
LaSalle College | Montréal
Artes y Letras/LaSalle College | Montréal/Thumbnail-Screen Shot 2019-11-07 at 3.32.10 PM.png

Experimental Fashion Video

de Elizabeth Simard
Artes y Letras
LaSalle College | Montréal
Artes y Letras/LaSalle College | Montréal/Thumbnail-0.2 copy.JPG

"Humans of LaSalle"

de Elizabeth Simard
Artes y Letras
LaSalle College | Montréal
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