Maria Ivanca

Maria Ivanca

Diseño de Interiores y Arquitectura
LaSalle College Vancouver

Makan Restaurant

Makan is located in Bali, Indonesia. Their menu is all about brining farm to table. They will be open from morning through night and their menu will be changing depending on the time of the day. My design intent is to design a space that can welcome family dinner in the morning and also will welcome adult dinner during the night; while incorporating traditional mixed with a modern look.

The bar area is mean


The bar area is meant for adult dinner. It also consist of three different sitting arrangement (bar sitting, table sitting & booth sitting).

Diseño de Interiores y Arquitectura/LaSalle College Vancouver/BOOTH SITTING


Diseño de Interiores y Arquitectura/LaSalle College Vancouver/WAITING AREA


The private room can


The private room can be use for meeting function or when family events. It is located on the family dinning area section as well.

The bar area is mean
Diseño de Interiores y Arquitectura/LaSalle College Vancouver/BOOTH SITTING
Diseño de Interiores y Arquitectura/LaSalle College Vancouver/WAITING AREA
The private room can