Week of August 19–25: LCI Education Community News Recap 

Weekly update of news from across the LCI Education community.   And don’t forget to check us out on social media for more! 

LaSalle College Indonesia

LaSalle College Surayaba 

 Surabaya Fashion Week 

21–25 August 2024 

Jogjakarta Fashion Week 

22–25 August 2024 

Fashion reigns this week at LaSalle College Surayaba! Find us at Surayaba Fashion Week as we host a show for Fashion Designs Students, then follow us to Jogjakarta Fashion Week, where we conduct a talk show and participate in a competition for up-and-coming designers.  

 LaSalle College Jakarta 


14 August – 5 Sept 2024 

Sekilas, a photography exhibition featuring the final projects of recent Photography program gradutates, is open to the public until September 5th, 2024. 

LaSalle College Montréal

M.A.D. Festival 2024

22–25 August 2024

LaSalle College Montréal marks 65 years of fashion at the M.A.D. Festival!

A true celebration of Quebec fashion, we showcase the talents of LaSalle College designers and graduates, including Marie Saint Pierre, LAMARQUE, Mikael D, Lakuachimoto, Charlie Paille, MRKNTN, and Jessy Colucci.

65th Anniversary of LaSalle College Official Video

The official video of LaSalle College’s 65th anniversary celebrations and highlights is now available on all channels! Check it out!

Welcome back teachers

LaSalle College Montréal welcomed our teachers back to school with a fun-filled event.

LCI Bogotà

CoffeeMaster Colombia Closing Events

20 August 2024

LCI Bogotà helps Coffee Master Colombia bring its festival to a close.

  • Learners from LCI Bogotà’s Artistic Makeup program put on a live body paint show!
  • We share a video collage of Coffee Master workshops hosted at LCI Bogotá,
  • Fashion Management puts on an editorial exhibition
  • Fashion Design showcases a collection made with coffee sacks
  • LCI Bogotà Rector Emilio Jimenez shares insights on the school’s role and relationships within the creative industries.

Check us out on social media for more!

Look Twice Fest

20 August 2024, Cultural Centre (5th and 6th floors), 5:30pm.

Look Twice Fest is an exhibition organized by the Scenic and Visual Production program, where optical illusions take over the evening.

Through a Designer’s Eyes: Summer runway event

21 August 2024, Cultural Centre (5th floor).

It’s summer runway time! This year’s theme is Through a Designer’s Eyes, featuring menswear collections, mini-collections, and final projects.

Joining the event for the first time this year is the School of Gastronomy and Tourism, with its programs in Bakery and Pastry and Culinary Production providing high-level catering service for the attendees.

Final Projects Exhibition 2024

22 August 20204, Officers’ Social Club, 11am.

The Officers' Social Club hosts LCI Bogotà’s annual exhibition of final projects. Guests experience our learner’s incredible creations, including body paint and makeup demonstrations.

Follow LCI Bogotà on social media for highlights of all our events!

LCI Melbourne

Open Day: 18 August 2024

Ball & Doggett industry briefs
20 August 2024

Design Laboratory 5 learners across majors present industry brief solutions to our industry partner Ball & Doggett.

Melbourne Fashion Week

New LCI Melbourne Head of Fashion, Darran Arabin-Gander, comes in to work with the F&CD students selected from Melbourne Fashion Week and sits on assessment panels.

Darran’s first official day at LCI Melbourne is September 5th. Welcome Darran!

Capstone final presentations

19 August – 8 September 2024

Capstone learners from all LCI Melbourne programs present their final bodies of work to assessment panels.

The Future Feels Familiar Open Night
22 August 2024

The Future Feels Familiar exhibition throws its open night event, featuring our artist-in-residence J Davies and Visual Arts student Scarlett Mallia.

Check out LCI Melbourne on social media for more events and highlights.


Final Project Presentations

19–23 August 2024

It’s the last –– and most important! –– week of the semester for LCI VERITAS learners, when they get to present the culmination of all their hard work. Final Project Presentation week shows off the academic excellence of LCI VERITAS, both to industry and to the public.

Follow LCI VERITAS on social media to see it all for yourself!

Open House | Salle Jean-Paul-Morin (2nd floor), LaSalle College

Open House

Discover why, every year, thousands of students choose LaSalle College to achieve their dreams.
  • November 2, 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM